
Co-signed on dopamine. As a person who has bipolar disorder, anxiety, and borderline personality disorder, nicotine is quite literally a lifesaver for me. Things really reared their ugly head for me when I had quit smoking cold turkey after 15 years, as I should have, when pregnant with my son. I went 5 years without

Your forehead is in dire need of a bullet hole.

I mean, you are ABSOLUTELY being an antagonistic dick for no reason and you know it, but this response did make me laugh. So kudos.

LOL using nicotine = being a thoroughbred?

lol you’re not their doctor and how/how fast someone weans is none of your fucking business

I dig what you’re saying.

It’s weird how you’re staring directly at the point, and yet somehow still not seeing it.

This reply confuses me.

Amazing that you don't see the irony in your comment.

That story is about parents using rubbing alcohol to bring down their kids’ fevers (!!!!) - it’s not about limited use in full-grown adults - and nowhere does it say anything about toxic buildup.

My skin used to be EXTREMELY oily, and still is rather oily, so any excessive dryness is literally momentary. I guess I’m “lucky” - at any rate I wouldn’t recommend rubbing alcohol to everyone.

Kind of hypocritical of Twich remove videos of a streamer breastfeeding, which is perfectly legal to do in public as the article states, but will only give Dr. Disrespect a glorified slap on the wrist when he illegally films underaged children in a public bathroom. 

Joule thief!

Now I know why people find David Blaine ribbitting.

You’re getting scammed. Any number of credit unions - and even credit card companies - will give you free monthly credit reports and monitoring. Worst case you have to keep a $5 minimum balance to keep the credit union account open.