The Magic Pie


I was getting stuck on Mantis Lord.

Even AFTER my head knew all the fingers would do do dumb shit.

I knew what to watch for, and how not to get hit by it....but my fingers weren’t having it and got hit.



Am I the only one whose local stores nearby have been flooded with these?

Anytime I walk into Walmart, Best Buy or Targets, I see 3 or 4 just sitting around.

Am I the only one whose local stores nearby have been flooded with these?

Anytime I walk into Walmart, Best Buy or

I’m hoping that because there are versions for each system, that does in fact mean that the game is included. Or else why make specific listings for Xbox One, PS4, and PC?

I’m hoping that because there are versions for each system, that does in fact mean that the game is included. Or

Best Buy bless.

Man, I’m REALLY going to miss my GCU once it expires. D:

Best Buy bless.

Man, I’m REALLY going to miss my GCU once it expires. D:


WTB most of all these designs for Gen 8.

I bought one of those arms...then I found out it’ll only work with my bed if I lay on my side...Guess it’s time to find other uses for it.

I’m about 80% sure anyone who died before the “Snap” is done for good.

Then again...comic book bullshit dictates that they’ll find some way to come back.

Am I the only one who wants to see SOME of the proposed 14 millon scenarios happen on screen?

Lets hope once they do add JSRF, they fix the issue that it had on the 360, where the game became somewhat unplayable once you reached 99th street.

BREAKDOWN: Featuring First Person Vomiting.

Now playing

Although it’s already passed, for a few hours Toonami went Japanese, and aired the first episode of FLCL 2, and then the movie Mind Game. They also did a review of Nier, which was also in Japanese.

Guess that explains why I got an email saying my account was locked. Although, it was only locked for about 2 hours. I’ve only played the game once, and there’s no Credit Card info saved to the account, so I guess that’s a plus?

I can’t stay away from the Figuarts...even though they’re $40+ a figure. I saw the Stars series online before they hit stores and briefly contemplated buying some...but after seeing them in person I decided they weren’t for me.

Maaaaan, Reinhardt, Roadhog and (possibly) Bastion are going to be eeeeeeexpensive.

If they decide to go that far.