So, this is the Switch version then? :P
So, this is the Switch version then? :P
Portia has been really great so far.
They just need to put some more work into controller support. It’s there...but some things are far too sensitive, like the D-pad. I’ve already accidentally gone back to the menu twice, because I meant to go to options.
Remapping the Contoller buttons would also be nice too, as…
I have both, but Best Buy is always the best option because Reward points back, the 20% off isn’t time restricted, and if I really want the game that day, I can walk into the store and buy it, and not wait two days.
I have both, but Best Buy is always the best option because Reward points back, the 20% off isn’t time restricted,…
I love GCU so goddam much. Its already paid for itself at least 3 times. Mostly on Collector’s Editions.
I love GCU so goddam much. Its already paid for itself at least 3 times. Mostly on Collector’s Editions.
I’m glad I saw an unboxing before the 19th.
My preorder was immediately canceled. Though, I still feel a bit disappointed.
Next we’re going to hear that Nintendo didn’t expect it to sell this quickly. :P
I bought on launch day, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t semi-disappointed. I enjoyed it for the first couple of hours, but it just started feeling like I was playing an incomplete/early access game.
I want to try again at some point, but FFXIV consumes my life.
inb4 Colossalcon Cosplays.
I’m being roadblocked in story because I keep trying to get the hang of Samurai.
I want to like it, but it just feels really...meh. :/
I want one, but my 60 inch is working just fine.
Unless it breaks in the next year, or 4k TVs get a steep discount, I probably won’t be getting one anytime soon.
I too caught it right away. I then proceeded to show my fiancee by opening the log, and playing the logs back to back.
Came for first person vomiting.
Was not disappointed.
Huh, guess that explains what this fourth color was. These have been up on eBay for a week now, I thought the fourth color was green, but I’m guessing it’s actually yellow.
Super is already being dubbed, and is being shown on Toonami every Saturday.
Who else had pages from the instruction manual that weren’t stapled in?
I’m going to have to fix it when I get around to it. :/
I must be a terrible person, because I thought these taste like normal vanilla Oreos.
Regardless, they pretty good.
Another person grabbed it, I saw it and copied it.
If you search his username you can find his thread...but his original comment has been deleted.