The Magic Pie

I have no way to REALLY prove that he did try, other than the imgur links in that post that lead to images of his Reddit username written on a piece of paper next to the console.I suppose it all comes down to a believe what you will. But I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to quickly flip it for profit.

Another interesting piece is that he apparently tried selling it on reddit before he did the unboxing/UI demo.

Best Buy’s Gamer Club Unlocked has become the main reason for me not going to Game Stop, but this makes it even less likely I’ll be going there.

My local Asian mart had these one time I went. I haven’t seen them since, and I’m sad, because they were SUPER fukkin delicious.

It’s not a Red Cross...

It’s a Red X.


For those still trying to get one, go here and sign up for notifications. It’s much more reliable than Amazon.

My wishlist is simple.

Trying to get a preorder.

I know QUITE a few people who, despite already having a few level 60 jobs, also have alts on the same server just because.

Some use them for more storage, some use them as another set of 3 Specialist Jobs for crafting, and others have them just because they can.


Helpful tip: If you are a Best Buy Gamers Club Unlocked member, you can get it for 34.99 as well, but you also get your 20% discount, so that brings it down to $27.99 for any copy (Yay for physical PC copies)

Helpful tip: If you are a Best Buy Gamers Club Unlocked member, you can get it for 34.99 as well, but you also get

Perhaps Google is stepping up their translating game?

Damn, so much for that well fitting Collector’s Edition name.

Hopefully the end product is worth it. The dual audio doesn’t interest me because I’m alright when it comes to dubbing.

I bought one waaaay back. Surprised it’s still in good condition.

They’re actually Daft Punk.

Does anyone know if the game will only allow names to be used once?

Or will we see dozens of Harambe planets?


I’ll get there eventually.

My plan is almost coming to fruition.

My first (Abra) was caught in bed.
Second (Weedle) while taking out the trash
Third (Drowzee) in the parking lot at work
Fourth (Gastly) in work, in the warehouse
Fifth (Krabby) in work, in the corporate building

I cheated on the shoulders. They’re made from styrofoam domes I found at Joann’s, I still had to seal the shit out of them BEFORE I Plasti-dipped...because Plasti-dip likes to eat through styrofoam, apparently.

This was my first attempt at foam “Armor” I was on a bit of a time constraint, but overall it didn’t go too bad. The only big issue I had was the helmet. I think I went through 5 different versions, because it was either too small, or some things I didn’t like about it.

I hope to one day be this skilled, but I don’t