The Magic Pie

I fondly remember Truck dismount, years ago.

Good times were had. I may have to get this...

Easy, just buy one Red 3DS XL, and one Zelda 3DS XL.

The colored panels on the 3DS XLs come right off after unscrewing, no complete dis-assembly needed.

I wouldn't take it...

But I can't speak for the other people who don't give a shit.

I meant before it takes off from your go back to Amazon.

What's preventing us from grabbing the drone before it takes off?

I guess that's why it kept yelling at me today when I tried logging in.

Glad I'm not going insane.

Speaking of cosplays, Youmacon is coming up, which is the only con in my state that I do, and the only con I do period. Working on fixing up my God Hand costume, and convinced my woman to be Olivia. Currently, her jacket is kicking my ass...

You can thank Ron Wasserman for that.

The same guy who did the theme for Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers.

The first room I joined, everyone was all chill, and cool.

But then I tried joining a friend's room, and well...things went downhill from there. I would stand there, people would either run me over, or pull up to me, get out of their vehicle, and then proceed to shoot at me. I was standing still near the fort, some

Windows Phone 8, It all started with the Trophy.

Now I'm on the 928, and loving it still.

I still have this shirt. Somewhere.

Using Google Translate (not the best, I know) There are different versions you can get, which include a static statue, standard, and perfect editions. There are also boxes that give you the price of ¥3999.00

According to Goolge translate, that's just a conversion fee. So I'm guessing if you need it resized, Just the

Not sure where you're seeing the "$650" for a full suit, but the only full suit listed is actually 22,877.10 after exchange rates, and all that.

John Patrick Lowrie and Ellen McLain, who have both supplied voices for Half Life 2 were going to attend this year's Youmacon, however due to unanticipated work related projects, they had to cancel.

Half-Life 3 is confirmed.

I was actually coming here to see if they mentioned it as well.

If I could get my hands on the Green Ranger definitely, but I've already sunk money into two Legacy Morphers...not sure I'm willing to sink $100 on another.

Boy, I guess Lightning finally does look like female Cloud...or at least more like a Female Cloud.

Now playing

All this does is remind me of this awesome gem I found years ago.

I bought it mainly for Hotline Miami. Then I find out 4 new games got added...and I'm glad I paid over average...because Tiny & Big has me extremely amused right now.

...That's Just Vulgar.

Don't like Sriracha, so I never tried it. Chicken and Waffles was good for maybe a bite or two, but I didn't find it to be a good snacking chip. In large quantities, it kinda lost its flavor. Garlic Bread however, was pretty good. And I'll probably buy more in the future. Maybe.