Is it just me, or are these suits giving off a Metal Gear Solid Cyborg vibe?
Is it just me, or are these suits giving off a Metal Gear Solid Cyborg vibe?
Correct me if I'm wrong...but isn't the description of the fake DLC supposed to be what we were going to get for Saint's Row 4? Or am I just imagining things?
No space, it's SecretSanta
But...Sanic has to go fast.
If it were an arcade cabinet, Smough and Ornstein would have eaten ALL of my quarters.
You could probably say Tartarus is the reason we don't have "Final bosses" at the end of each Halo. :P
That is the ONE thing that drives me crazy about getting a CM Punk action figure. It's a shame they just can't cut a deal to let them use them...
Youmacon didn't feel the same without him this year. ._.
I have a local con beginning the first of November.
This is essentially how I felt.
...So, am I the only one who doesn't think slenderman is "Slender" enough in the original game?
Stores carrying exclusive toys is no new thing though.
Or an accordion. Because why the hell not?
If only this could be a mod for like...Saints Row: The Third.
I agree with you. I bought it when it first came out for the 360. Then waited for a Steam sale to enjoy all the delicious mods. I beat it legitimately on the 360, now I can spoil myself as much as I want.
Don't worry. I've never played it as well.