I'm with Verizon only because I get a slight discount from them because of where I work. Supposedly other co-workers said Sprint offers us a discount as well...but I've yet to check.
I'm with Verizon only because I get a slight discount from them because of where I work. Supposedly other co-workers said Sprint offers us a discount as well...but I've yet to check.
Expect to pay closer to $60 for it after shipping and all that fun stuff. But make sure to get it ASAP, because if he's the same as the Samus figure they made then you can expect him to be up to $100+
Ah, this is my first time hearing about it...so I wasn't sure just how many licenses they actually managed to score.
Is it just me, or does the guy sitting next to the zombie kinda look like Kano from Mortal Kombat?
Get someone to mod the original Donkey Kong. They look pretty similar. :P
You could just torrent them. I mean, you were trying to watch the episodes on YouTube...which is essentially the same thing.
If it's like the PC version I'm pretty sure you can go into anyone's chest and see/take any of their items.
Thanks. I was kinda aiming for solo...I live with my fiance and my friend who showed this game to me. We all started at about the same time, but I'm the lowest of us all. I oten stay up latest so I go solo a lot. I found...BAMs were not easy with my Archer. So I'm hoping Slayer fixes that.
Yes. But they are custom made...so they're a bit pricey. :O
Reminds me of Kigurumis, which are essentially the same thing in a way...very popular with us cosplaying folk.
Surprisingly that isn't an amazing price to me...that's pretty cheap, considering the furniture where I work sells lamps that are a good $249, and don't look as cool.
I read somewhere here on Kotaku that it will support 8 players on Live.
Almost everyone at my school thinks that the Transformer Prime looks better than an iPad.
I'm slowly getting used to Windows 8, it's very nice. However, there are a few things I'd like to see done with it before official release.