The Magic Pie

Shortly after, Mr. Gonzales went into the insurance building across the street, and promptly asked "What can you do about that?"

Is a Fish Taco shaped like a fish?

Me and my soon to be wife are married...on about 3 or 4 characters...

...Sadly, I contributed about 3 or 4 of those cases to MapleStory's 46%

No clue why it's showing up on a Japanese site should be cheaper, considering NECA is a USA toy company...and they sell in the US...

My fiance seemed to enjoy the demo...I however, did not enjoy the music after each battle. It starts getting annoying after a while.

Photoshopped perhaps to bring out the shape itself, but after looking at this, and then the original...I still see it.

I found this amusing...

Be productive? Just a thought. :P

Purchased this tablet, and I'll have it on Monday. Suffice to say, I had no idea that it could do this before purchasing it...maybe I should try it.

And a gif that my friend made me make, to go with it.

And then he dropped it, and the screen shattered...just like his dreams. :D

You mean this one right here? I felt the need to save case of it being removed.

Thank you sir, you made my original image better.

Oh darn...too bad he doesn't have mine.

...well people were bound to find it anyway.

At least he still has his own personal Facebook page...with nothing set as private. :O

Ah, so it is.