The Magic Pie

Can't decide whether it's Christmas gifts, or after Christmas gifts that are the best. :O

...And yet, it almost looks promising. If only it were made by a more well known company, and had a bit of power inside of it, I would be somewhat interested in purchasing one. :P

He must be dyslexic...or new to typing. They want to wish us Happy Hollidays.

9 Hours and 58 Minutes?

I liked where it was going...

I don't know...that's the same thing an adventurer asked me after he took an arrow to the knee, and became a guard. :O

...But...You were doing the same thing.

Huh...looks like they made three posts today about The Elder Scrolls. Guess they should call it ElderScrollstaku. Or they could do Xbox360taku, they had 3 stories about that today as well.

As in no one will play any other class than Jedi/Sith?

Good triumphs over evil, and the day/world is saved.

Pie Gon Jin, the level 14 Imperial

They'll also react differently to you based upon your clothes too. [maybe spoilers? I'unno...]

Arthur and Iron-Man, 2 pack only, Toys R Us, about $7.50 before tax.

Once again, I win. :D (Just ignore the mess...)

Take your lollipop?

Yet some ads are semi-tolerable. I guess it's gotten to the point where I just don't care? I've come to accept the fact that that's rule number one of the internet.

I can beat that.

Yes. Yes it is. And yes, I am a Magical Pie.

How has this not been posted yet? Guess I'll do the honors.

Well...I guess Capcom better get to work and start on that. They could go after Marvel and DC, and force all superheroes in UMvC3 to have name changes. C'mon, who wouldn't want to play as SpiderGuy, or IronDude?