The Magic Pie

You think THAT is scary? No way, this is MUCH more scarier. WHERE IS YOUR GOD NOW?!

Just came home from school...saw the envelope was from Microsoft...then I had to remember why they would send me something. least all the other events are pending.

I just use JoyToKey.

So would this mean that a cowboy race is confirmed for Elder Scrolls 5?

This was my first time cosplaying with a big weapon.

@TimeNeverRests (PS1): Perhaps...this term can also be used for whenever Ashcraft posts an article. :P

...This thing won't force me pick up a can...will it?

I lol'd...and apparently so did she.

@Manly McBeeferton: I've actually purchased more songs then I thought I would have since the RBN has been out.

Looks moderately interesting. Couldn't see the exact platforms they have it planned for...unless I wasn't looking hard enough. But hopefully it'll be PS3/360

While watching the video Kotaku posted on Attack of the Show interviewing GeoHot, I noticed on the scrolling text it said that Shane Black will be directing Warner Bros. adaptation of Death Note...

@ieatbabies: I don't even play any instruments at all...and I always thought that Smoke on the Water was like the beginner's song to learn...

@DrakeDatsun: Thanks, I'm looking to try and get to other cons as Youmacon is the only one we've gone to for the past 4 years. We've got another con in the state coming up in 2 months.

@DrakeDatsun: Why yes we are. That was actually my first attempt at piecing our costumes together...rather than just purchasing them off the interbutts.

Probably the best Zelda cosplayers that were there last year. Me and the fiance go to this thing every year, as it's in our state...and only about 20 minutes away.

China: Creating knock-offs of your favorite things since....well...forever.

There will also be a Celebi download at Gamestop on the 27th of February.

Is it just me, or does his muppet look like Fidel Castro?

@oldirtdog: Naw, he just forgot how to shot web.