Just came home from school...saw the envelope was from Microsoft...then I had to remember why they would send me something.
Well...at least all the other events are pending.
I just use JoyToKey.
So would this mean that a cowboy race is confirmed for Elder Scrolls 5?
@TimeNeverRests (PS1): Perhaps...this term can also be used for whenever Ashcraft posts an article. :P
I lol'd...and apparently so did she.
@Manly McBeeferton: I've actually purchased more songs then I thought I would have since the RBN has been out.
Looks moderately interesting. Couldn't see the exact platforms they have it planned for...unless I wasn't looking hard enough. But hopefully it'll be PS3/360
While watching the video Kotaku posted on Attack of the Show interviewing GeoHot, I noticed on the scrolling text it said that Shane Black will be directing Warner Bros. adaptation of Death Note...
@ieatbabies: I don't even play any instruments at all...and I always thought that Smoke on the Water was like the beginner's song to learn...
@DrakeDatsun: Thanks, I'm looking to try and get to other cons as Youmacon is the only one we've gone to for the past 4 years. We've got another con in the state coming up in 2 months.
@DrakeDatsun: Why yes we are. That was actually my first attempt at piecing our costumes together...rather than just purchasing them off the interbutts.
China: Creating knock-offs of your favorite things since....well...forever.
There will also be a Celebi download at Gamestop on the 27th of February.
Is it just me, or does his muppet look like Fidel Castro?
@oldirtdog: Naw, he just forgot how to shot web.