The Magic Pie

That doesn't look like Dragon Gundam....too bad this wasn't G Gundam.

@Senics: And it's obvious that the dad MUST be Awesome Face.

@danielc305: Still have a Grape in my fridge. December is when they're banned here in Michigan.

@daniel.ortega: I can't find any around me...I'm actually interested in getting one after actually testing it.

@Rocket Boss: I've only encountered tons of bugs when I co-op with my fiance. Either my character or her character will be down to our undies, and bald, there are times when we cannot use our weapons until one of us quits, it will hang at the loading screen until one of us quits, the sanctuary get crazy buggy and out

Ottoman? More like an Automan, amitrite?!

@Sonicloud: However, they'll only be there until Thursday...when it comes out.

@Kovitlac: All my stuff was still broken too...then I just saved and exited. Then went back, and it attempted to fix my avatar items again. Waited, worked, and now I have all my stuff back.


This excitement of mine burns with an awesome power...

I love my Warthog...even though it's not as cool as this one.

Is it coincidence that all the kids were playing dead? Or are they all promoting subliminal messages about the sales of Kinect?

@lionkitten: I would be doing the same if were not for two jobs...speaking of which I should probably go sleep now...

Good use of Photoshop, action figures, statues, and I believe screenshots.

Now you're thinking with Halo Portals! :D

...El Fuerte just looks like Rey Mysterio to me....

I've got work in a few...but I suppose I could leave my gamertag here, as I should be getting on around 9:30 - 10:00