The Magic Loogie

It's a quote from Raylan, who either thinks she's a Van Halen fan or was just being facetious. I'm going with the latter.

I'll agree with this. Letting someone else set the rules can be very dangerous.

Regarding the ice pick killer: Raylan wasn't the one who didn't fight fairly. Do you accept that using an ice pick to keep your opponent from grabbing the gun is "fair"?

This debate reminds me of the UK original Life on Mars. I've always been a Sam Tyler fan. Anyone can spout sexist, homophobic and racist "quips." I cared about Tyler. I was amused by Gene Hunt.

I couldn't wait that long. I rewatched ep 1, season 1, last week. The rest will follow (hopefully I can wait one more week).

Jesus, it's a TV show, not a documentary. Your Raylan hate is sad.

I agree, but I think it's more a matter of working together to accomplish a shared goal, rather than friendship.

Thanks for the list. I view Raylan the same way. No, he's not perfect, but who wants perfection? That's so boring!

Two words: Ty Walker. "If you wanted to get shot in the front, you shoulda run towards me."

Raylan knew she had Mags' fortune and was cool with it, as long as she didn't turn up in a brand new Lexus or had Van Halen perform at her birthday party.

Raylan hated his father long before Boyd "stole" him. Raylan's related stories from his childhood that demonstrate this.

I'd read your comments if you didn't insist on calling him "Rayland."

Raylan generally gives his opponents a warning before he shoots. And he also tells them that he shoots to kill. That's as fair as it gets.

If Boyd kills Ava, given an opportunity, Raylan will kill Boyd. Abso-effing-lutely.

Raylan doesn't want his future actions to tarnish the badge.

New Zealand's the worst. The only vowel they seem to know is the short "i."

So, just imitate Stephen Colbert.

Who's the smartest male reporter on TV? And the prettiest.

And it's always black men and white men. Women don't count.

Since he can't see color, maybe Stephen Colbert decides which characters die.