The Magic Loogie

The reviewer was just flying his sexist colors. See the "cat fight" remark. So fucking tired.

Maybe the loophole is that Cary's represented by FAL, not L/G.

Facebook and Twitter aren't going to provide a fair sampling of people's opinions. I remember being taught in a college advertising class that people are much more apt to complain to family and friends about a product than share their positive opinions.
We all need to take a massive grain of salt when reading posts,

Alicia did say that she wrote the note months before she decided to run. She 1) forgot all about it and 2) didn't think silly Grace would bring it to school.
Love her sense of humor though, and I like that Grace would find it funny too.

And why the hell didn't anyone smell a cooking turkey when they first walked into Gloria and Jay's house?

Worse: They had to go with Elsa Mars.

I remember first-season Cary as smirky and smug, and someone constantly messed with Alicia. He made remarks to undercut Alicia's confidence, and continually hogged their shared assistant's time (the lovely Gillian Jacobs), a truly dickish move.

This Cary is so different from first-year entitled and manipulative Cary, when he was trying to undercut Alicia at every turn.

He must know that Bishop is now aware of the tape, and wants to find out from Lana how that happened.

Well, while Simm was filming Intruders in B.C., he was flying back to the U.K. to shoot The Village. IF he wanted to return to Doctor Who, he would have made time for it.

I object to the reviewer's constant shitting on John Simm's performance as the Master. Despite being saddled with RTD's vision of the character, Simm was able to take the quieter moments and inject them with some real emotion.

RTD's Master predates Ledger's Joker.

Ah, the groundbreaking humor of calling all women (represented by their vaginas) weak and the requisite male ego boost by pretending to be scared of spideys. A to Z is already off my DVR record list.

Maybe he'll show up on tape, or call Craig during the show.

I smell a glassin' in the air.

But she's not a natural blond. Stripping the real and fake color out of her hair to go blond would have fried her hair. But, hey, it's TVLand.

The Soup: Soooo much better than a Sex and the City rerun.

She, John Simm and Jim Broadbent were amazing in Exile. I wish it would air in the US, either on PBS or BBC America.

Mira was brilliant, but I thought that John Simm really brought it this episode. He was amazing throughout "Bound," but had me in a puddle of tears in the final scene.

Pardon me for intruding (consider me a second soul, if you will), but I wanted to voice my dismay that AVC bailed on Intruders after three episodes. The action and the suspense have kicked in, and there are even a few answers. John Simm's final scene in last night's episode "Bound" was incredible and not to be missed.