
Ok, well that was a gross statement by the U. S. Attorney's Office that belies the attitude towards addiction in this country.

I would say innovate in the NEXT one; this one just needed to prove the franchise was salvageable.

Sadly, you are a woman and will therefore be ignored, feared, and threatened with rape by the people you're trying to get to understand this point.

I suppose condescension is at least less "lynch-y".

You forgot to mention that president Woodrow Wilson loved the film.

No joke, no snark; I REALLY dislike this new layout. That main block of different articles looks ugly and disjointed. It kind of looks like the Xbox 360 dashboard, and BELIEVE me that's not a good thing. You're using a LOT more space to show the same amount of content, meaning users have to do a lot more scrolling to

Goddamn. Kat Williams looks rough, huh?

That's not lip-synching. Just saying.

I misread that as 6-foot, 5,250-pound.

I misread that as 6-foot, 5,250-pound.