
We are all truly destined to be royally fucked. 

and they are all aiming for the $10/month fee market

The streaming industry is pretty much an open game right now - you have Hulu, Netflix, Disney, CBS, SHO, all making their own plays

Great. That’s what we need now - Guns with fucking selfie cameras

Gives a whole new meaning to

I am actually really surprised they haven’t come up with a rifle with a touchscreen yet. You know to give you info on:

“.......and just now, kings are falling like flies”

Yet, Gandhi, Mandela, MLK, etc remain free of that burden.

If only Trump used group Facetime before the fix came along; Mueller’s job would have been a lot easier.

I know this is not a Trump story, and he probably has nothing to do with this.

I think the magnet is the most fascinating object on the planet. It is energy without a fuel source; can make all sorts metals fly, and they can last a lifetime.

Facebook won’t be irrelevant in the near future. I live in Asia (along with most the world’s population), and everybody just discovered fb 2-3 years ago (especially India - highest mobile base). Plus, they own WhatsApp and Instagram - so that gives them immense control over most demographics.

it’s amazing to see - that the more we find out about the universe, the more we realize, that we don’t know shit.

Science is weirdly cool.

As Chris Rock famously said

So with us throwing up all the dump into the atmosphere, and destroying the natural ecosystem is actually gonna have crazy unpleasant repercussions.

you Americans finally give a shit about what your leaders do eh? (After electing Bush 1 + bush 2 (twice) + trump; we thought you guys checked out!)

Bring me a Joffrey, and i am game. 

.....actually the voters are made in America. Their brains/intentions are made in Russia

......yet Donald Trump roams around freely.