He doesn’t need spellcheck because he’s, like, very intelligent, he has all the words. The best words!
Cheeto Mussolini could be owned by a paper bag. I swear if you slipped one lightly over his head (physically impossible because of the pompadour and the Hutt neck, but bear with me here) and just left him on his own he’d starve to death.
White Man Rule No. 4: If you can’t have something, ruin it for everyone else.
Is anything ever actually said unless a man says it though, really?
Hopefully he drops the fucking hammer.
We are done here, I will get the lights on my way out.
As it is public space, the tenants are *really* gonna regret having DJT as a neighbor. All day protests, tourists, homeless people... and every move potentially captured by news cameras.
I’d buy the lie that they care about babies if they gave a shit about it after it was born. But their policies prove they don’t. It’s about controlling women. They just keep using increasingly hyperbolic language to sell the baby-loving lie.
Hey President Dumbshit! Even smart people need to read to actually know things. Being smart doesn’t mean you just magically acquire knowledge. It just means that you’re capable of processing and understanding what you read!
We’re all going to die. After we’ve been handed over to Russia. Orange Hitler has no idea what he’s doing.
the greatest trick the billionaire ever pulled was convincing the hundredaire he actually cared.
It’s almost like Trump doesn’t give a flying fuck about the common man.
In case anyone out there was confused about how the voting/enfranchisement system was rigged, here it is. Jill Stein filed for a recount. She paid the required fees. And now, suddenly, she is not “aggrieved” enough to demand a recount. Any registered voter should be entitled to demand a recount if they can pay the…
Until its proven otherwise I am fully convinced that the only reason Trump picked Carson for HUD is because he’s black and it has the word urban in it’s title.
And I don’t care if you tell me she doesn’t get her period any more due to hormones. She still has HORMONES. What if she gets PMS and starts a war?!
The next 4 years are going to be a civics less for the unwashed masses in what real actual corruption looks like. For so long the right wing has been crying wolf that people forgot what actual misconduct looked like. They are about to learn a hard lesson; and I for one will take pleasure in rubbing their nose in it…
Speaking of which, how is it Comey isn’t forced to make weekly on-camera updates about how he feels about the damage he’s done to the free world? I wonder who we contact about making that a thing.