
Please tell us the answer.

Countdown till this harmless fun is revealed as something nefarious (probably perpetrated by Russia) -- 3, 2...

One wonders why you read, let alone find it necessary to comment...

Just an FYI — most bitters are booze-based.

I thought I was the only one.

Wow, I had completely forgotten about that purple ink.

Thanks for posting!

Thanks for posting!

Me from 12 years ago really wishes he knew this...

Well all right. I guess the game has more replay potential than I thought. Thanks!

Wow — that’s crazy. Completely changes my perspective on Frank.

Can you explain the “Frank fucking his dog” comment in your second paragraph? Because I didn’t see that *at all* in the original game — rather, he was a devoted pet owner who showed his humanity because of how much he cared for his dog.

I like the storytelling and the stylized visuals. Not every game is intended to appeal to everyone.

I’m glad Kotaku is following this game. I’ve been playing BTS (and enjoyed the original LIS) and don’t have anyone to share the following theory with. (Spoilers for both the original LIS and BTS follow.)

Whoa indeed.

Make mine Rao’s.

I read the first word of the headline as “Desecrate” — that would work too. I find these things so tacky. Can’t wait for this trend to end.

I read the first word of the headline as “Desecrate” — that would work too. I find these things so tacky. Can’t wait

She had just defeated Venus, and Serena didn’t play this tournament because she just had a kid. So...

Why are you like this? You make choices every day — maybe tomorrow decide not to be an insufferable asshole?

Sweet. I had a $5 promotional credit for digital content from a purchase I made on Prime Day, so I got a year for $20.

Sweet. I had a $5 promotional credit for digital content from a purchase I made on Prime Day, so I got a year for