Real holographic simulated Evil Lincoln is back!

I’m more interested in Aerobiz.


It’s a pretty standard set piece at most hibachi steak houses.

Red pandas are known for healthfully coping with stress!

God, I’m so jealous you have a Pizza Hut buffet.

  1. Opposition to the Equality Act: Despite support from almost every segment of the U.S. population and a majority of Republicans, President Trump opposed the Equality Act. In May, the House passed the Equality Act, voting to guarantee critical non-discrimination protections for LGBTQ people among other crucial rights.

Ya’ll don’t be afraid to use your bulgogi marinades on ground beef to make your cheap and easy tacos. Doesn’t necessarily need to be thinly sliced beef or even beef at all. Chicken and pork go just as well with that marinade. Enjoy!

I workedshopped a few different takes on this image. At one point things got crazy. 

So the holodeck made Adira a Belter from The Expanse ?😂🤣😂🤣

I don’t twitter, but this thread is worth reading in its entirety

What, is “Esports” the name of their newest pachinko machine?

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Let me save you all the time.

Let me save you all the time.

It’s time for Savage Nobody! The only advice column able to answer your Krazy Kristmas questions! Or should I say Nobodymas?

Disco Janet. That is all.

Samurai Shodown! The rebirth of classic SNK games has been great to see. 

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Inspired by the Shakespearean story of Hamlet... that made me laugh so hard I nearly fell out of my chair. Inspired by KIMBA is more like it!

That’s clearly Sanic

Wine tasting, generally speaking, is a lot of bullshit.  We’ve seen, time and again, how so-called wine experts get fooled into picking $10 rotgut over the $200 Jordan Belfort Special.

Now now, not everyone that eats there are actively homophobic. Some of them are just completely apathetic.

Thanks to Chick-Fil A’s marvelous invention I now have an extra 5 minutes of my day I can spend denying the basic humanity of LGBT folks!