Real holographic simulated Evil Lincoln is back!

Greenfield is for chumps, even though they were my first.

Ability to disable taking off shoes when in sex interaction

Protip - never hang out with someone that use the term “chill-sesh”

#MattDuffysCat or #MattDuffyScat?

except trying to keep string of numbers in the proper format, no amount of googling will help you.

AKA any futurama episode that ends with music playing

So female version of Zangief?

The quote was cut off, full quote is

So it’s really about ethics in MMA journalism?

Half a plate of leafy green and then like 8 bowls of soup, that’s how I roll there. It’s soup plantation, not salad plantation.

1) Ranking is mostly correct, I would put Bogut in the top 10 though.

cause facebook is paying them?

she’s killing them softly, by aging.

I hope you are not going on the strip at all then, cause they’ll be flooding the strip

cause that’s where all the gay bars/bath house (I think there’s only 1) are at.

filet mignon is trash meat and should be below getting hit by a car, so Kobe should squeeze into top 5

Get old?

It’s mostly true, but my local Sam’s club soda fountains have sodas from both company

I am one of the 10% of Asians that aren’t lactose-intolerant #blessed

are you also prepared to give up ice cream (made from milk) forever?