
There is more right wing terrorism in America than Islamic, yet no one is harping on that. Again there is over a billion Muslims in this world blaming all of them and treating all of them as evil is helpful how is going to make the attacks stop how. Muslim isn’t a race so it isn’t racism u know that right. Ur part of

The right took off with that story and the only reason they did was because it was Brown men attacking white women. the idea that those attacks wouldn’t have happened if the left talked honestly about Islam is delusional. U don’t seem to get why people on the left are wary to talk about the problematic parts of Islam.

Being uncomfortable with that is fine but u realize why they do thAt. Because the right uses cases like this to justify hating Muslims. How do u not get that.

When Christians do bad things no one calls to ban them. Let’s not play this game. Christians don’t get judged by society for what a few crazies do unlike Muslims.