
This is true. I see in another comment the very valid point being made that his behaviour was pretty clear BEFORE they were married, which does also change things in my mind quite a bit. I think it’s heartbreaking when one spouse completely changes into an abusive nightmare AFTER marriage, but yeah, different if they

I honestly don’t how to view her, partly because no one truly knows what goes on behind closed doors with those two. If what she’s going through is anything like what my father put my mother through, I have extreme sympathy for her. If it’s anything like that is ISN’T easy to leave, it’s excruciatingly hard,

Yep, as far as I know no one had issues with me doing that. I did tend to check if anyone was there, if so, I’d make my presence VERY known.

I live in Calgary (where the writer is from). Splitting the check would normally mean here that they split it based on who ordered what. That’s the unwritten standard for group meals where there isn’t one check (aka it was a corporate lunch/dinner).

Ugh. I tried watching James Corden because I was intrigued by car karaoke. Couldn’t do it, he’s so damn annoying.

Depends on the country. Technically, in Canada, you aren’t supposed to call yourself an engineer until you’re a registered professional engineer (P.Eng.) which takes ~4 years of post-undergrad work or a combo or work and post-graduate studies. But, that’s considered more of a technicality, which is usually only

Yep! Problem at most engineering/science schools I think. I was luckily mainly in a new building that had equal bathrooms, whenever I was in the older buildings that only had retrofitted bathroom solutions for women... I honestly started using the men’s if the situation was dire (aka too far away, or the women’s

Hey! Me too!

The only food I literally cannot eat because it makes my throat go all funny and I”m nervous it will progress past that to actually being serious is goat cheese. WHICH IS AWFUL. The TASTIEST sounding items ever now seem to often have goat cheese, in ways that you really can’t mess with that, and it also now appears

A totally fine server comment on meat for me is recommending a type based on doneness. Like if you like super rare meat, maybe don’t get the one with tons of fat because if you don’t cook it well enough it’s still hard fat, not gooey stuff some people like. As a super rare, moo-ing, steak lover, I like lean beef with

I always always always bring containers with me when going to my mom’s for dinner, always brought containers when I lived near my aunt and went over for dinner as well. So, it’s totally normal in my family!

Yep, I was checking out plumbing parts in a hardware store because I needed to change my toilet valve since it was running non-stop. It’s a TOILET VALVE. Some idiot bro waltzed up wanting to help, started going in on this and that. Literally just stared, grabbed the one I needed (was looking for the right type, aka

It’s amazing how much male dominated fields do this. I’m a woman in one, and consider myself to be very efficient and industrious. Because I’m not a bloody loudmouth about it whenever I go on a vacation and someone has to cover I ALWAYS have come back to a ‘HOLY SHIT YOU DO SO MUCH IN A WEEK PLEASE NEVER LEAVE’. It

God that’s awful. Closest thing I had to that was an ex-mentor of mine at my first post-grad job literally tried to tell me how wrong I was with how swimmers navigate the lanes when doing backstroke. I was a nationally ranked competitive swimmer, he was a sometimes triathlete, yet obviously, I was an idiot who was

Yep, agreed. Also had a noticeably number who were good 95% of the time, but occasionally slipped up/had a horror filled look if you somehow ‘beat’ them on a test.

Yeah.. I’m planning on working on my mat leave. Definitely want some leave me the fuck alone time, TBD, but I work in projects and you can’t just... leave. Unless you coordinate around project schedules but damn. Luckily my SO is taking equal leave to mine (likely 6 months each) and my current and hopefully long term

Yup. I’m billed out at ~$150/hr, take home is right around that. Professional services need the pay rates to reflect office costs, non-chargeable staff, etc. Plus always profit to the owners.

Yup. His family is extended and super close and in eastern/central Canada. My family is globally scattered and we are not close at all and I’m from western Canada, we now both live in western Canada. Really torn between going east for future wedding so more of his family can come (and I adore his family) but also

I’m not planning on getting a friend of mine a gift for her wedding. They’ve been together 6ish years, have a house together, a baby, they don’t need household stuff. I will likely get something fun for the kid, because he’s adorable and my godson. But I’m in their wedding, already flew to Winnipeg from Calgary for a

I think I want something in between. I want a simple service and a relatively reasonable dress (less than half a gross paycheck), and the reception to be super informal, ideally outdoors, lots of music and beer.