The Handsome Hound

Though few will admit it, the "masculine" guys worst fear is being treated in the same way they treat women

I like Zayns voice, but his production is crap

At least Styles seems like a half decent person and has some talent.

Zayn seeme pretty popular. He has the voice, he just needs some good producers

She also writes songs about destroying other women just because.

I give it a B-. It's better than it has any right to be.

To be fair, it took like two years for it to drop to 20

They were definitely going to say PWR BTTM, but considering how it turns out Hopkins is a monster and Liv covered for them, it would have been inappropriate

Mr Creosote in Meaning of Life. I can watch Hannibal while eating, but that was too much

She probably wrote the review like a week ago

from what I heard, most of Ben's victims are queer women.

I've been listening to The Weather by Pond and its way better than I expected.

When I got the game, when I was 16, the store was packed with parents/babysitters buying the game for their fucking 7 year olds

plus the crazy amount of sexism, even by video game standards

Bethesda releases broken games all the time, and the first Prey was well received

A demo or two. Bethesda, the same company that releases fvckinh Skyrim and New Vegas, claimed it wasn't good enough, but HH workers claim Bethesda was just trying to drain them until they can get bought at a low price

Prey 2 looked like it would have been a classic. But Bethesda just had to fuck it up because they wanted a new developer under their thumb.

Is it true that its about twice as long as it should have been?

As tempting as it is to buy this game right now, I'll probably just wait until its half priced in 3 months like every Bethesda game that isn't Elder Scrolls or Fallout

I made an hour into it before realizing I'll never be able to sneak past the Alien