The Handsome Hound

My favorite is still the woman who started a program to send your ashes to a republican that voted in favor

Every albums sounds completely different from the last and they range from decent to fantastic.

Come talk to me when he performs while getting a blowjob like Danny Brown

I do think Ryan is smart. He just knows his supporters are dumb enough to follow him anywhere and wants to watch the world burn

I'll being listening to Kehlani's You Should Be Here

The Wire though……..

I'm not expecting it to get any better. I had to go random for roommate selection AGAIN, plus I already know two of the five roommates are Republicans. Add in housing hating my guts for making them look bad on multiple occasions and, I believe, one of the employees being scared of me, its not going to be a happy

"Homophobia is only a problem when Milo is told to shut the fuck up or that Trump is obsessed with pleasing Putin"- conservatives

I know you were.

yeah, like how they defended me when an actual homophobe attacked me, screaming "fucking h0mo" while I was too drunk to defend myself? Or when a different roommate said he's pro conversion therapy out of random?

Its a joke that's been beaten to death , but I'm not seeing the homophobia. But I'm just a bi guy who had to deal with a bunch of homophobic roommates, so what the fuck do I know.

Would if my awkward ass didn't scare people off within the first five minutes, buddy

I don't love the first 2 Spiderman movies as much as most of you, but that train sequence was basically perfect

Fuck my friend who didn't vote during the election.

White Stripes- Cannon
Kanye West- Champion
David Bowie- Blackstar
EL-P- True Story
Jamie xx- Girl
theMIND- Only the Beginning
Robyn- Crash And Burn Girl
Hurray For The Riff Raff- Finale
Radiohead- Lucky

So far I've noticed only one black man post fundamentalist take over and he was a custodian.

I have a special hatred of Aunt Lydia. While the men in the show do worse things than her, she seems to be the only one that truly enjoys the situation.

I honestly expected Milo to kill himself after losing his book

That and the severed black hand that he calls his boyfriend.

I prefer show Lionel's afro. Gives him the "good looking dork" style that I love.