
I like Pentatonix. All of their work? No, but I don’t think there’s any artist whose work I 100% love. I can do without the Christmas stuff, and there are songs I dislike in the original that I continue to dislike in their remake. But when they’re on they’re on, and you can’t deny the talent. Watch YouTube videos

Yeah, it’s a very depressing reminder of how much sexual assault is a “modern” crime. We have literally centuries of case law about what is a regular assault or a regular battery, going back to the earliest recorded cases in the 13th century. But the idea that touching a woman’s body sexually was a distinct crime is

This is another symptom of the dehumanizing of children. “It’s my child, I’ll do with it as I see fit” instead of seeing the child as an actual human who should not be a lab rat, a slave, or a chess piece.

But it’s California. Nobody in California is racist. Racism only happens in the South and Flyover Country?

There was no twitter then... but black folk knew what happened there and never forgot, either. Those fucking people... and it wasn’t just there. It was (is) all over with americans rooting for any foreign white lady against one of the sisters, or both of the sisters when they play double. They get more love out of

I don’t think it’s an unpopular opinion at all (or maybe I’m just saying that because I agree with it). While there’s been a lot of focus on whether or not Avery is guilty, I’m personally more interested in how shows like this can test our views on things like justice. It’s easy to cry miscarriage of justice when the

Unpopular opinion: I think that while Steven Avery did not get a fair trial, and that is an injustice in itself, I think it’s possible that he killed Teresa. He has a history of sexual violence (stalking, masturbating in public, incest) and Jodi claims that he was abusive towards her and that he said “all bitches owe

I am not certain and I am TERRIFIED. Take my stepdad for example - he is a staunch Republican who will close his eyes and vote for Donald just because he is Republican. I’m talking about a *fairly* intelligent man voting for this bafoon simply because he has been a Republican his whole life and won’t change now.

As much fun as it is to watch the GOP freak out, this maniac should not be this close to any public office. It doesn't matter if everyone is sure that the Democrats can beat him, he should not be in a position to potentially become POTUS. I'm scared and I'm not even American.

As a fellow teacher, I agree with you. No guns in the classroom - not in my students’ hands or mine. Mind you, I AM good under pressure and I’ve handled guns numerous times. Furthermore, I’ve survived two different incidents when an unstable teen put a gun to my head, and one where a student threatened to beat me up

As a teacher, I do not want to be forced to carry a gun. I’m not good under pressure and would probably be useless in that sort of situation, scary as it is to think about.

Yeah, I always found his usually level of Kanye-ness refreshing despite how obnoxious he could be but at the moment he really seems like he’s spiralling.

I mentioned this in another thread last night, but I volunteered in Flint on Sunday and what struck me most was the diversity of volunteers. I was a little freaked out to see a bunch of white men in camo that looked like Ammon Bundy supporters, but the volunteer coordinator said that Michigan militias have been

Also unnecessary but necessary to point out that these plumbers belong to a Union, the exact thing that Snyder has been trying to undermine.

I teach 4th grade, and one of my kiddos asked if he could do sharing on Friday. He brought in his iPad and started to talk about his favorite singer who had recently died. He played “Let’s Dance” for the class and shared pictures that he found on the internet. It was the sweetest thing ever! Most of the class had no

I have a feeling that Duncan’s (Zowie) young life was probably tumultuous and the nanny probably played a big part in raising him. It’s really nice that David honored that.

The gifts to the nanny and the assistant are even more evidence that David Robert Jones was a oner in the best possible way.

Exactly. We’ll never really know what happened to this woman because of the sheriff’s office’s zeal to put this guy away for good.

I know it’s been said, many times many ways, but the impression that I got from the doc wasn’t so much that Avery was definitely innocent, but just that the investigation and trial were messed up enough to warrant a second look.