She could be quiet and wait for everything to blow over or she can draw even more attention to him (and her) by posting about his body on IG.
She could be quiet and wait for everything to blow over or she can draw even more attention to him (and her) by posting about his body on IG.
Did Christian Bale gain enough weight to convince us he was Dick Cheney? Should that matter?
AC: Valhalla was such a slog. I platinumed Odyssey and played as much of Origins as possible, but quit AC:V as soon as I finished the story. So glad it was $40 at launch.
It’s $40 for PS Plus subscribers right now too.
It’s $40 for PS Plus subscribers right now too.
Shit, the Barbz are every where.
What is she thinking?
It seems like people want the president to be an emperor or something.
Remember, a big reason for these abortion laws is to force WHITE people to procreate. The crap about about Planned Parenthood wanting to abort Black babies is just a smokescreen, they only care about white people giving birth to white babies.
I played a little bit of the Persona 1 PSP remake and it was rough. I’m guessing the first two games need either the full remake treatment or some serious revamps.
Missouri does not have the demographics to turn Blue and the state seems to be doing everything in their power to dissuade any potential Blue voter to move here. I’m stuck here, but if you have the means to leave, do it.
Brought to you by the people who want to legalize running over protesters.
I wonder what the chances are that part of McCarthy’s opposition to a 1/6 inquiry is that more than one member of his caucus was involved.
Who would have thought a movement lead by an amoral husk of a man would have followers who are amoral husks?
Not going to happen as long as Andrew is still living, breathing and still the Duke of York.
Unsurprisingly some people are hoping Roe being potentially overturned will usher in the revolution.
“The Supreme Court doesn’t matter in the long run” or “quit trying to hold my vote hostage.”
That’s not mentioning how they will scare voters by talking about how Dems may gain power and legalize abortion again.
You can’t count out Roe being completely overturned. This has been their promise for years and the GOP has been been electing and appointing radicals and true believers for awhile. I mean cynical puppet masters like McConnell are fast becoming the minority in their party.
Which, at least for me, doesn’t even show up on the Vita store. If you want to purchase a game that is inaccessible via the broken mess that is the Vita store, you’re SOL.
Remember when Glenn Greenwald was a Progressive hero because he went after Hillary and Obama and shitlibs and people said he was totally not a bigot because he has a Black husband? Good times.