
He’s demonstrated time and again that he cares nothing about rules or laws, will he even cooperate? He and the White House will thwart this for as long as possible.

Two days later, Birmingham police charged Stallworth with seven crimes - possession of child pornography and possession with intent to distribute child pornography.

And their Twitter’s locked...

An occasional slice of Casey’s pizza isn’t bad at times, but it’s nowhere near the best ever.  It is better than Papa John’s by miles, though.

Amid all this, Pelosi told reporters of Trump: “I think now we have to pray for his health, because this was a very serious meltdown,”

Are sex scenes even necessary in most cases?  I know they want to be realistic or whatever, but couldn’t we get the same message by fading to black before the sex happens?

How many careers did Lauer derail or try to ruin during his reign of terror?

Natalie never left NBC or Today, she moved to LA to host NBC produced Access Hollywood.  She left Access earlier this year.

Whelp, ten years.  It’s better than nothing, but she deserved 20-plus years.  She should have spent the rest of her young “hot” years in prison because you know one of things she valued was being perceived as attractive.

Warren better hurry up and start doing better in the polls, she only has about four months left.

Even if the jury does hand down a 20 year-plus sentence, I don’t trust the judge not to suspend most of the sentence.

When I first started playing games again about ten years ago, I thought the text was so small because I had a 32'’ tv.  Now I know that it’s a design choice.

They keep on saying that *they* didn’t own slaves and it is all in the past.  Why would he care about something people like him love to declare “doesn’t matter anymore?”

The question becomes whether Biden’s supporters drift to Harris rather than Warren or Sanders.

I wish the Senate wasn’t lead by an obstructionist like Mitch McConnelll who blocks any bill that’s further left than right of center.

How many people running aren’t career politicians? Yang? Marianne Williamson?

Trump, his supporters and other entities who invested in Trump’s win and presidency already have attacks lined up for all of the candidates.  The three front runners all have baggage, and the GOP are ready to throw everything at them which may stick because I don’t think any of them are particularly strong candidates.

I finally started Persona 5, which I bought at full price when it came out, because people were comparing it to Fire Emblem:  Three Houses.  I loved FE:TH, so what better time to dust off Persona 5.

The ultimate referee of this fight will be Lachlan Murdoch. In recent months, Rupert’s oldest son has been holding strategy conversations with Fox executives and anchors about how Fox News should prepare for life after Trump.

Nintendo knows that only a few players will pay for 200cc, but the people who want to play 200cc aren’t going to pay for a low rent Mario Kart.  They should stick with making money off of people who are willing to gamble to try to get their favorite character/better kart parts.