
I finally started Persona 5, which I bought at full price when it came out, because people were comparing it to Fire Emblem:  Three Houses.  I loved FE:TH, so what better time to dust off Persona 5.

The ultimate referee of this fight will be Lachlan Murdoch. In recent months, Rupert’s oldest son has been holding strategy conversations with Fox executives and anchors about how Fox News should prepare for life after Trump.

Nintendo knows that only a few players will pay for 200cc, but the people who want to play 200cc aren’t going to pay for a low rent Mario Kart.  They should stick with making money off of people who are willing to gamble to try to get their favorite character/better kart parts.

It’s all contrarian bargain bin Greenwald bullshit.  This mess gets them clicks, so they keep on publishing the same Pelosi/corporate Dems suck template.

Cosby is currently serving out his sentence at a maximum security prison outside Philadelphia. He is reportedly very popular

Did they?  If they did it was them trying to be ironic.

She better hope she’s saved enough money from her grift once the GOP and alt right inevitably dump her for the next fool.  Most of these Black right wing shills seem to fade away quickly.

Almost everyone on that panel clearly loathe Meghan.  The only reason she’s still there is because she generates buzz and goes viral for pulling stunts like this.

There’s not enough focus on why the other candidates aren’t able to break through with Black voters.  It’s September, people are aware of most of the other candidates, especially Bernie.

At the very least his campaign staff is aware of Bernie’s aggressive supporters.  If he hasn’t said anything about it by now, he never will.

Just wait, Bernie fans are going to blame them when a majority of Black voters reject him again. It’ll be something along the lines that the DNC and this letter poisoned Black folks minds.

We already knew that Bernie’s toxic fanbase is a liability.  His supporters, and some of his staff, have alienated a lot of people online, it’s no surprise people who would ordinarily be Sanders supporters and allies have gravitated towards Warren.

That’s slightly more ridiculous than saying Trump fired Bolton due to Trump’s “non-interventionist mindset.”

There are way too many streaming services, the bubble will pop sooner than later.  I wonder how long it will take for BET+ to be folded into CBS All Access or some other streaming service Viacom is no doubt planning.

I just started a Black Eagles run through and I stopped giving out lost items to anyone but my house members and students I want to recruit.  Running around looking for students in my own house is time consuming enough.

Bernie’s pushing 80 and Warren just turned 70. Not to mention a lot of people dislike Bernie like Splinter and Jezebel dislike Biden.

I can’t wait for the not so subtle racism from Rose Twitter and some on the Left if Biden wins the South handily.  And it will happen.

People know Bernie and he’s trailing Biden, though.  This would make more sense if Bernie wasn’t running.

I don’t think most of the electorate, your aunties and grandmas, gives a shit about DNC and corporate shills. That is almost an entirely online concern.

But Bernie has nearly 100% name recognition.  By that logic, Bernie and Biden should be polling neck to neck.