
I know Krueger can’t help herself

She has.  She said it on Twitter, it’s not like she’s on Morning Joe everyday complaining about everything.  I know Twitter is the center of a lot of people’s universes, but it’s not like the average person knows what she’s Tweeting.

She lost to this guy!!

I’d be surprised if he gets 3-5 at the most.

Wow, he’s finally making up for his vote for the 1994 crime bill and all the years he bragged about being tough on crime.

Of course Trump and Republicans only pay lip service to wanting to increase access to mental health care, they lack empathy.  It’s hard to help people when they don’t care about anyone except themselves and the people who line their pockets.

This has to be some meta joke. Did y’all really think Hillary was going to be a main character in this? Was the show going to revolve around Hillary’s “Vast Right Wing Conspiracy” interview?

We can very clearly focus on examples, like American slavery, without painting backwards in a broad brush.

Good ole Todd Akin.  I wonder what that fucking idiot is up to now.

It also polls badly with The Whites when they realize Black folks and other PoC will benefit from it.  But whatever, right?

Two articles in one day about a person less than one percent of the US population has any clue about.  This has to be click bait for Rose Twitter.

A point has to come when Fox’s carriage fees won’t be able to offset the lack of ads on their horrible White Power prime time block.


Delusion, denial and whiteness is a potent cocktail.

Of course, they’re not the ones who’ll have to deal with the consequences — we are.

Biden is horrible at this and he’s still in the lead, what does that say about his opponents?  The blame can’t completely fall on “low information voters.”

If Tucker’s vacation turns out to be permanent (like Bill O’Reilly’s vacation) what show will Glenn Greenwald go on?

*making the argument

Bernie Sanders has close to 100% name recognition. When is the point that people stop blaming “low information voters” and acknowledge that maybe Bernie is failing to appeal to the larger electorate?

I love Skyrim and it never made me want to become a cat who’s an expert at pickpocketing and lockpicking. Or fight dragons. Or traipse through dungeons to fight skeletons and search for treasure.