She’s already begun spinning Biden’s comments on Twitter.
She’s already begun spinning Biden’s comments on Twitter.
A man who allegedly raped his first wive has sympathies for other abusive men. Well break out the smelling salts.
Does Miller really think white supremacists will embrace him once Latinx, Black folks and other people with melanin are eliminated. I highly doubt it.
Please. The cops would have went down to the grocery store and bought some stale bread and cheap bologna if it were anyone else.
I know polls show that the majority of people support abortion, but how many of them are OK with bans after 20 weeks or support abortion only in the case of rape rape? Of course these people are winning, there are enough people who “support abortion, but...”
Why would he apologize? The GOP are using bull horns instead of dog whistles now and it hasn’t hurt their chances of getting elected. They’re only going to get worse and they’ll still get around 235 electoral votes ever four years.
Shouldn’t the people who take a risk to install such an early beta on their phones already know how to roll back to iOS 12?
It’s not like this guy put in the work to grow and reflect on how bad it is to use the n-word, he’s been making the rounds playing at being the right’s own David Hogg for the past two years. People who go on Hannity to regurgitate NRA talking points are very, very likely virulent anti-black racists.
A racist president obsessed with racist President Andrew Jackson wanted to cancel a bill replacing Jackson on the $20? I’m shocked.
Apparently you have to be logged into Twitter to see likes. Since Trump blocked me years ago (I mean, like, in 2016), I can’t see them.
Tucker Carlson is a piece of dogshit, but at least he understands the economic anxiety the majority of people in this country face.
Which kids of Rupert Murdoch? It can’t be the sons who run Fox News and somehow let it become even worse than it was under Roger Ailes leadership.
Women didn’t vote for Trump, white women voted for Trump. Let’s not pretend hardly anyone beside white folks wanted Trump or the GOP. Put that mess on rural and suburban whites.
Sanders does have near equal name ID as Biden and he can’t get much over 18 percent in any poll lately. The reasons for Biden leading in the polls now be silly or superficial, but it’s more than just name ID.
I think Democratic primary voters who would care enough about Biden’s bad record to change their votes are already supporting other candidates. Whether it will change peoples minds during the general election is unknown.
He could be the first guy, or the home was a magnet for predators due to lack of regulations and she was assaulted for years. Both scenarios are horrifying.
To me it’s more mind blowing to me that Marisa Tomei is older than Jean Stapleton was when she started playing Edith.
Nah, I’m pretty sure the vast majority of Fox News viewers were racist before they ever heard of a Fox News Channel.
People actually think regular Fox viewers are watching Democratic town halls? They turn over to sports, Pioneer Woman or Fixer Upper and then turn back when Hannity comes on.
The drill should have featured a white boy in a black t-shirt, jeans and carrying a duffel bag.