Trans people, who have seen literally dozens of laws passed against us in the last year alone: ya fuckin’ think?!
Trans people, who have seen literally dozens of laws passed against us in the last year alone: ya fuckin’ think?!
Dude should be thrown off the court just for his wife’s attempts to overthrow and election. Thomas’s opinions in any case have always been the laughing stock of the legal community. Until now they’ve always been stupidly constructed dissents for most things. Now, he’s writing a concurrence that says the court should…
I think of Paul Winfield in Mars Attacks! when he’s on the phone with his wife telling her he gets to greet the aliens. The line he speaks to his wife over the phone is SO god damn telling.
Thomas is a man of low character.
Other Americans: “You mean Supreme Court might go after more rights?”
I’m weaving a picture out of the various puzzle pieces that I tried to follow, so I could be taking a Hubble Telescope picture of Jupiter and accidentally assembling a Chucky doll kissing a souffle picture instead.
I’m still baffled that Splinter got shut down, and after Gawker. It made no sense.
See: Herman Cain.
I see your point and...yeah. I withdraw my remarks.
No he stands alone. None of the above can write laws to harm us. When his sorry black ass dies no one will care. I mean no one that counts. I and others will rejoice.
Whenever I think of Clarence Thomas I am reminded of the scene in a Soldiers Story where Sgt. Walters is speaking about the damage that one ignorant negro can do. Yeah Clarence that is you. When you die no one will mourn you. Not these white folks who’s ass you kiss, no one black will give a shit and quite frankly…
There is a regular comment-poster that often brings racists out of the greys. We’ve got a long-form, no-paragraph racist thrashing about in the grey at the moment. Please don’t reply to the wall-o-text, and that will help keep things readable for the moment.
This is why actions of powerful media entities matter. An example is found in shutting down Splinter and Deadspin over their exposure of far-right small coup attempts.
Is he the worst black man in America? Most powerful example of skinfolk aint kinfolk but anyone else yall think takes the crown from him?
She is on tape admitting to hitting him to stop him drunkenly crushing her toes against a door. Wow. How abusive of her. And oh shit, she hasn’t been able to give that money to charity amid being sued repeatedly by her ex. I forgot that defending yourself in multiple libel and defamation trials is totally free!
Todd in the Shadows actually looked into the legal aspects of it and he concluded that Depp was very much guilty.
Because with slippery slope logic, like Alito is employing, and future decisions will use, is that if women have no historic right to abortions, then there is no historic right for women or Black people to vote or hold land, for interracial marriages to exist, contraception to be sold, gay marriage/sex to be legal,…
The ‘Prolife’ movement is rapidly revealing themselves to be for:
No gay anything.
No trans anything.
No birth control.
All women at the control of men.
And the only men with control Southern Baptist White men.
Pro the life of Taliban inspired White Men.
“Pro-life” also seems to be fighting against access to birth control, in addition to being “pro-forced conception via rape or incest”.