
Worth noting that the reviewers are all likely Souls fans. As with From’s previous games, I imagine Elden Ring will be pretty divisive. The players who like that style of game will really like it, the players who don’t won’t. Reviews can be misleading because they primarily consist of the former.

They literally stated it’s great he’s doing it but it would be better if they translated the OBJECTIVELY better PS port. It wasn’t mean spirited. You clicked and interacted with the article, so thank you for making sure we keep getting this content.

Just the obvious:

She was supposed to buy shorty tyco with your money

a true origin story for bond could be cool. but im not sure tom is the guy. maybe play a part of it for that age period of bonds life.
need something to show bond with his family, their death, him living with blofeld, joining the navy, and induction into mi6.... everything before casino royale

Goddamit Jay you have to warn people when you’ll be cutting onions in here!

The particular concern about “less than lethal” weapons is that cops will be extra careless with them or further weasel out of responsibility when someone dies. Not to mention that some are (deliberately) misused, completely undermining the “less” part (like rubber bullets).

I’m honestly with you on that one though there’s at least a slightly better argument for carrying tasers than real guns.

Some of those that work forces 

It’s almost as if cops shouldn’t regularly carry guns because they’re very dangerous and not at all useful in the vast majority of situations or something...

I am shocked, genuinely and not sarcastically, I thought they were warming up for either a mistrial verdict or letting her off. An actual guilty verdict is amazing. It is a Christmas Miracle.

There’s no shortage of adoptable children. But, yeah, healthy infants, particularly healthy white infants? Not nearly as many as people who want to adopt them. 

Is there a shortage of adoptable children?? Mad at them, not you. And I suspect you’ll make a sad but relevant point - not enough infants.

Of course it causes more complications than solutions it might provide. That’s a feature not a bug. Encourage the woman to stay pregnant; encourage the woman to have & keep the kid; encourage the woman to stay with the man; encourage marriage between. You know wholesome, American-style, family values.

Re: Justice Barret’s suggestion that women can just carry a pregnancy to term and then, like, drop the baby off at the fire department and skip merrily away: In that situation, what rights does the other parent have and doesn’t that kind of complicate this whole thing?

So the snowflakes need a safe space?

Yes, they do. I even worked there and saw all of the bullshit they took in on trade for their “pawn shop,” though I didn’t realize it was being used to defraud banks.

I worked here.

So I’m from Oklahoma. And upon just reading the headline I thought “it’s probably Big Red.”

There’s more, according to the press release from the DOJ.