
Definitely. The shit going on with Georgia’s elections are appalling not simply in their brazenness but how insidiously packed they are to ensure a very specific outcome, over and over. And as with damn near everything wrong with the US (and especially in states with ‘red’ leadership) it’s consistently because of

I don’t want to take any of Stacey Abrams flowers, as she deserves all she’s received and more, but I don’t think we can tell the story of the 2020 Senate wins in Georgia, without honoring DONNA CURLING, et al., Plaintiffs of Curling v. Raffensperger [1] and their ongoing battle to ensure Georgia elections are fought

It that was a Tucker 48, willingness to repair would be there.

Well, not any car. I’m pretty sure David Tracy’s “unidentified car in a river bank” from yesterday probably can’t be brought back up to spec.

you're not buying a sex van to HIDE your sexy acts

this van fucks

Glad Northam didn’t fuck around, I shudder to consider Cuccinelli had he won in 2017. If this shit is getting endemic I can only hope for the high number of fed govvies in the state. But yes - as smarmy a fuck as McAuliffe is he worked the shit out of his veto power when VA state legislative branch was crazy, folks

Not allowed to be entered into the trial:

Rittenhouse reportedly swept a crowd with his rifle before the initial confrontation. That evidence is part of what the judge suppressed. And why the prosecutor kept saying Rittenhouse escalated the situation — therefore it wasn’t self defense.

What happened after he inserted himself into that protest might legally fit the requirements for self defense in the state of Wisconsin, but my point still stands that he set that chain of events in motion by deciding, in his own words, that he was going to being a gun to a protest to protect property that did not

And thank you William Bryon for releasing the video. Rot in jail you stupid fuck!

It is important to keep in mind that two or three different prosecutors delayed and/or declined to pursue charges against these racist asshats.

We have to somehow end this belief among white people that they have the autonomy to police Black people in any way that seems fit, whether they have evidence or not. Remember, that’s what happened in the Trayvon Martin case and the recent Rittenhouse case.


That’s the real answer, which frankly makes this shit worse. 

We have a grey here yelling about how it isn’t anyone’s business if Sears is vaccinated.  I’d bet there were smallpox-spreaders that played the same game when smallpox was still raging, and I’d bet they killed many with that game.

Immigrants (who the GOP hates) aren’t coming here so that they can refrain from getting the vaccine. They can stay in their own countries if they want to not take the vaccine, because many of them don’t have easy access...

Translation:  This bitch is vaccinated (and boosted) but doesn’t want to antagonize the fuckwit anti-vax MAGA-morons that elected her.

Man, I almost can’t wait until this country devolves to the point where it’s legal to shoot stupid people.

Whatever. Say “hi” to Herman Cain for me.