
Although I’m a bit older than you and male, I’m also Mexican and gay, so even I related hardcore to Santana’s arc in those first few seasons. Not to mention she was, generally speaking, the funniest character on the show.

I relate. Of course I was upset when she went missing, but now, with the absolute certainty that she’s truly gone, I’m fucking distraught. More so than I would’ve guessed.

That Dr. Emilio Lizardo account is a fake copy of the real account and you should dismiss anything they post. If you click on the profile name you will see that there is nobody following them or inverse. They just keep making the same burner to try to incite racial/sexist/other tensions.

I would say that’s animal cruelty, and someone should intervene. There’s no such thing as a domesticated puma. We should have laws against that in all 50 states, but even where it’s technically legal to own one, it probably ends up being abusive.

Hmm yeah I think I would have a problem with a cougar chained up in someone’s backyard. lol 

drives it into the ground until it’s no longer funny.

Oh that Baphomet, such a scamp.

“I’ll do anything Gal [Gadot] asks me to do.” - Kristen Wiig

It was pandemic early days, and the Twitter hordes needed something inconsequential to get up needlessly up in arms about.

“I’ll do anything Kristen [Wiig] asks me to do,”

Alas, the bar for that used to be significantly higher

This guy had an incredible flair for business. I count like five separate successful careers he had. I have had, generously, one, and feel lucky to have that. Respect to his hustle 

She and Lyndie Greenwood and Tom Mison were all so good in it

Well hopefully this movie does not brutally betray the lovely and talented Nikki Beharie like Sleepy Hollow did

Are you talking about the playwright or the time traveler?

Not usually.  Your ending will not thank you for eating Arby’s

The top two stories are about people that are not getting attention. Weird.

Yes, an objection over here. This sort of celebrity worship is what got us into this mess. Please stop it.

This is what the leader of the free world is doing with his time; he is arguing with a singer and his wife on a fucked up social media platform. Millions of people are ok with this embarrassment.  This is what we do now.  This is America.  Fuck...

Where does she think she is? A fucking Applebees??