The Lord Is Cumming

The shittiest areas in FL are majority black, no surprise really. No “majority poor”, majority black...

“used and fleeced”, LOL that perfectly describes black Democrats for the past fifty years!

Which means the club owner is at fault, not the cop since this isn’t out of the ordinary literally nationwide.

...which means it wasn’t based on his skin color like they charged him with. Otherwise why were they so compliant with the other black passengers in the same vehicle?

Just say ‘nigger’ and be done with it, Jesus Christ whites made it a common derogatory word and now blacks can’t stop saying it and use it as a term of endearment!! So we must’ve done something right! Then again, they aren’t exactly the brightest race, I mean we’re talking about a group that endured lynchings and yet

It’s a word they use every other word, fucking obnoxious.

But perfected by whites: Eminem and The Beastie Boys, considered best rapper/best rap group.

So a charity rehire...

Don’t apologize, Vogue wants hot women who are overwhelmingly white. They don’t want a race where their women look like men in wigs.

LOL, I’m in IT where being white is a strike dummy. Indians by default are looked at first, so that isn’t racism? Should I complain about the NFL and NBA which almost EVERY coach and owner is white? I thought you just said that it’s about power??? Wouldn’t white people be hiring their own instead of “the best”?!

Biden doesn’t even know he’s running.

Good thing there are far more black people here...oh wait.

If police REALLY wanted to kill all black people, they’d just stand down in Detroit, Chicago, New Orleans, Memphis, etcetcetc...and let them all kill each other in FAR higher numbers!

Making Fun of White People Since 1963!

We also don’t resort to looting, arson and shooting in the name of “justice” other. See how that works?

“it how dey do”, this is prevalent in the black community, just look at the numbers on trans attacks and murders and see who leads the list by a mile. 

“...Fans carried out the tired argument that racism cuts “all ways,” even as it was clear that Boyega was specifically talking about racism against black people.”

Because she’s traditionally attractive, you only mock her because she’s associated with Trump. If she worked for Biden or even Obama you’d make no reference to her looks disparagingly.

Don’t laugh, this is just the kind of girl that every black guy tries to hit on in a club....then they end up settling for some white seacow that every white dude wouldn’t give the time of day!

“bring them to heel”