
She may have done it solely for revenge, but I also question the alternative. I very seriously doubt Ruby was gonna be redeemed or talked down by Daisy and the odds were good that Ruby would have killed them all right then and there, intentionally or not.

And yet, Daisy was the one who was right in that argument. Elena did it for revenge - she admits it later with Mack and it did nothing to stop the broken Earth future from happening. In fact it ensured Glenn Talbot, Destroyer of Worlds.

I wonder if Phil putting it all together just means that Phil will understand how the whole loop looks like. He will understand the whole set of events that lead to Earth destruction and manage to preserve this knowledge somehow so they can finally change it and brake the loop.

Minor note; was it just me, or did anyone else notice that they were deliberately making sure to keep Jiaying’s last name covered on her gravestone?

The only issue I had with Noah (who I hope can bounce back from that explosion) is that Enoch is still around. He didn’t go anywhere except wherever he was guarding Fitz’s body. Remember, he took the long way to the future. Which also means that Hunter is around, unless he took off for parts unknown already.

Yo-Yo knew where to go. They set a rendezvous point.

Yeah me too, did she get lost on her way down there? Because Kasius and Future Yo-Yo got there well before she did.

Also, Jemma feeding Kasius back his own literal earworm was a nice touch.

I agree it’s gone on too long. I find myself tired of Kasius and ready for him to go, and I’m someone who loves villains. I’m genuinely surprised at my own feelings on this. He doesn’t seem any kind of real threat to me and I have no doubt the team can beat anything he throws against them, so just do it already.

The gravity storm effects were pretty cool;

I must have the same low expectations because I felt that there was some real tension in this episode. I felt this episode in particular had a good “how’s everyone going to get out of this vibe” that made...well...thrilling to watch. It was also one of the funnier episodes of the season- especially when compared with

I must have low expectations, because I found the whole Ascent of the Zephyr sequence absolutely thrilling. Between the solid stuntwork between Daisy and Sinara punctuated by bouts of zero-gravity aerobatics, and the pretty damn solid visual effects of the stormy hellscape outside of the Zephyr, I was pretty blown

-That opening scene with the 5 of them on The Zephyr had S1 vibes and just felt nice.

So true! They were all solving the spore problem you would think someone would have given Max an oxygen mask!