
Well I for one am shocked, simply SHOCKED, that a guy who videotaped himself committing statutory rape and urinating on a child only to inexplicably get away with it without any legal or professional consequences whatsoever would go on to continue behaving in an inappropriate fashion. Who could have possibly predicted

Again this is why I stress every PoC that drives regularly needs to have a forward and cabin dash camera.

Now, Rainey, sis...she’s biracial mixed race, so she’s black enough to represent black women. Keep it up and she’s gonna come telling you about how all the black girls are mean to her because she has light skin and long hair.

Well, since Black Twitter already dragged her I have another question. Why the hell is Miss South Africa white?

Yep, where life is so precious unless you’re a woman.

People are barbarians. Both for how the poor woman got pregnant and then for what happened due to the miscarriage. My god.

A victim of a violent crime is jailed for an absurd amount of trime for not being able to birth a healthy baby from said crime?????


The most fucked up part of all this is that there is no Biblical precedent that abortion is sin. Abortion was regularly practiced during the time that Jesus was alive due to the high infant mortality and risk to the mother. Causing a miscarriage to a woman in the Bible only carries the penalty of property damage in

this is fucking disgusting. wheres the prosecution of her rapist? She’s a child who suffered severe psychological and physical trauma, i completely believe that she didn’t know she was pregnant. this poor child i am heartbroken that this is happening to her.

“ but dammit it sucks that all we can do is stew in our impotent rage.”

Who the fuck does El Salvador think it is? Texas?

All life is precious, except if you are a teenage girl who was raped in El Salvador.

She’s a traitor to her fucking species. I’m as outraged as you.

Every time I get caught up in how bad things are in the US right now, I find it far too easy to forget how there are so many places in the world that have it far, far worse. I am embarrassed that I have to be reminded of that from time to time. The absolute hopelessness that humans have to face is our greatest shame

My food literally fell out of my mouth at the headline. What the ever loving fuck is wrong with this world. That poor girl.

So since we care about law and order so much there’s definitely an investigation into who raped her, and that guy is going to be arrested, yes?


That lady judge is a traitor to her gender and all that is good and fair.