The Littlest Winslow

HAPPY ENDINGS FOREVER. Props to Hulu for finally putting it up in full. I will rewatch this until I shuffle off this mortal coil.

Loaded Weapon 1 is the best movie in the history of modern day cinema. I cherish it. You should do the same. #WildernessGirlsCookies

You, sir, know how to Internet.

I loved Boston! The first 3 are great, but Boston was special.

When your niece turns maybe 14 or 15…please introduce her to Fiona. Fiona Apple is a god.

I agree with this. Also, Rock Steady has aged REALLY well. It's already 13 years old. Which is INSANE to me. Ahead of its time, in a way.

Man, everyone's hatin' on Camille! She spent her entire life walking on egg shells with Zeek. He made it CLEAR that he didn't want to move on with his life or change anything. She's supposed to just be his lap dog? She's got to live too.

This bothered me too. And the lack of the white Real World logo? It felt like a totally different show, theme-shake-up aside.

I'm super excited about this. The band updates their Facebook page quite often - any fans should check them out there!  I've never seen them live so I'm hoping I finally get my chance!

Maria Bamford is such a treat. I love her. So hard. I hope to one day catch her live in the flesh. I don't mean for that to sound so creepy.

Maria Bamford is such a treat. I love her. So hard. I hope to one day catch her live in the flesh. I don't mean for that to sound so creepy.