
Seriously. One of the best romances of the year.

I predict self-satisfied grimness disguised as jokes, unlike the fun and romantic Deadpool.

I’m firmly in the “why not both?” camp. Really liked Deadpool, and very excited to see this one too.

Wuuuuuuuuut. Deadpool was awesome. One of the best films to come out this year... I think this gif might be too fast. Im over it now though.

“...but looks a trillion times better than the self-satisfied frat-bro festival that was Deadpool...”


(I fucking hated Deadpool)

Whatever the fuck. Can’t compliment one thing without pissing on another I guess.

I’ll take a tongue in cheek movie like Deadpool over Hot Topic: The Movie anyday.

Don’t forget your Santa’s Elf hat as well. Then you’re all ready for your fantastical adventure!

I seriously spent about 90 seconds looking at that damn lead image.

I know. You gotta laugh at the balls it takes to do such a dick move as to crop the cat out of the lead picture, then ask if we see it.


they are twinkies made for the original ghost busters 2 release, but they had overstock. boom, 30 yers later they can get rid of the rest of them.

Casey: You’’re in a desert walking along in the sand when all of the sudden you look down, and you see a tortoise, it’’s crawling toward you. You reach down, you flip the tortoise over on its back. The tortoise lays on its back, its belly baking in the hot sun, beating its legs trying to turn itself over, but it

Casey, prove you are not a bot by responding to this.

Good luck. You’ll see soon enough.

You were taking notes on your phone in a movie theater? You are not a bad mom, just a bad person.