
A large issue in this as well is trust. Who is going to talk to Kanye or Kim on the phone again without thinking that the conversation might be recorded.

Treat him like a regular white guy

Also, not that it matters, but isn’t fear the cornerstone of the Sith? Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate, hate leads to a hot topic charge card, an obsession with black clothes, and really terrible looking novelty contacts? :p

Yeah, but you don’t believe you’re a Sith. These derps actually believe they’re Christians.

are you aware of Loki’s neat skin in smite. He is a Norse god and he even gets a whole new voice pack to fit the skin.

As another latinamerican OW player... I support this ^^

I’d like to preface first by saying that I don’t really care which way Blizzard decides, its their game to do what they want with, and I don’t think they have an an obligation to either listening or ignoring the complaint. I did find a lot of silliness in your comment though, which I want to address.

Did you stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night?

Except that the Atari, Sega, Intellivision and Colecovision machines are manufactured by AtGames. Generally the Sega devices are pretty shoddy, with the sound somewhat off (maybe because of the fact you only have the option of a standard AV jack, mono only). I have a couple of their systems (Atari Flashback 5 and

If this group of games were packaged together and sold as a “collection” for a current console, it’d probably cost at least $40, if not $60, and wouldn’t include the original controller or dedicated hardware. $60 seems fair to me.

Yeah. It is.

It would be nice if they included the entire Nintendo created library, like Nintendo Baseball, for example.

The SEGA one retails at $50 I believe.

Yeah it is.

The best way to beat piracy is to offer a better product than the pirates. This is not that.

This made me smile

Miracle Whip is Salad Dressing.....

Sleeping gas doesn’t exist.

Yeah I learned that later.