
It is okay man. He is Mexican, accept it. I myself just write in Mexican on those Census forms. Sounds like the white man got to you if you really are Mexican.

I’m 5'6" and one of the taller people in my family. Mexicans are short.

Reaper is Mexican. Most Mexican-Americans just say Mexican. Wish all you want that he is American but he himself identifies as Mexican.

Reaper is from L.A. which was and is pretty much Mexico. Face it, he is Mexican or Mexican-American, whichever you want to choose.

Was about to comment about this. I wouldn’t call Roadhog Mexican though. Nothing about him screams Mexican and he is way too tall to be one.

I want to see this done now without any sound either.

Giz is where I usually take things seriously. That and I like history.

Some people were talking about flag code violations in another article. This right here is a huge violation. You are not to drape the flag on anybody, be it foe or hero.

I couldn’t edit in time so let me add this so it is clear about the napkin thing. When I said flag print, I meant just the stars and stripes printed in a manner not consistent with what an actual flag looks like. Those napkins that look like actual flags can be considered violations and are totally in bad taste. You

Actually it isn’t. Flag code refers to actual flags and replicas. Pictures of flags do not fall under flag code. Those tiny lapel pins and those tiny flags you wave at parades? Those are considered replicas and fall under the code. Flag print on clothing are considered neither flags or replicas.

No. When people say the image of the flag cannot be used on clothing or any other commercial items, they are pretty much wrong. The flag itself cannot be used as clothing or anything else other than a flag. Hence buying those tiny flags you wave at parades cannot be used as napkins. Flag print napkins? While in bad

I think it means he is looking for gay sex.

You jump in the air while you pull her off.

I don’t think the guy was saying Obama was running a platform on fear. He was saying that people were afraid and Obama, like you said, gave them hope which depending on your point of view, could seem like an exploit of said fear. Hitler did the same thing, he promised hope to a bunch of people who were afraid of the

I work in IT so I can be on the internet all I want. I really do not do much at work because I fix most of the problems before they ever happen. Also I wrote a little script that alerts me to when I get replies to things on whatever like facebook, twitter, and here and it sends it to an app I wrote for my phone. And

You know what, you got totally upset over one sentence which was just a throw away comment, and I am sorry for that. I apologize. I didn’t think my remarks would hit home so hard. I was really just poking fun. Sorry that I made you upset. Honestly I never read any of your comments past the first two sentences and was

I think the real story here is this guy wasn’t shot by the police.

I think this is the most enlightening comment I have read in quite some time.

But do they really want you to leave? Or would they rather you stay there forever so they can control your life?

It was actually those during the Clone Wars cartoon that was made by the same guy who did Samurai Jack.