
Sometimes you think New York cannot get any less shitty and then shit like this happens. The father could not even count on members of his community for help.

You do realize Earth just warrants a pod big enough to fit a Saiyan baby in and not a full sized adult?

This article needs more Labyrinth codpiece.

I am going to admit it. I do not know how to speak Spanish. =P

It hasn’t although not for lack of people trying to monopolize it as a racist word exclusive to them. I lived in a Mexican ghetto when I was a kid. Screw anybody saying I cannot use the word because only they are allowed to use it.

They are American Bison. Although I have no clue to the difference between wood or plains bison, I would guess plains due to the nature of the refuge.

Such a lovely mural of death. Insects are people too!

Near my hometown on a wildlife reserve lives the grandfather bison herd that all other herds in the U.S. usually have sprouted from. I’ve seen these things up close and man are they scary. I even had one almost tip over our van. Came up to us while we were looking the other direction at some longhorns and started

But you must teach your wee one the difference lest she be mocked for her insufficient knowledge in Star Wars lore. You do not want to responsible for that do you?

The rule of two was made by Darth Bane because the Sith were killing themselves off by fighting amongst each other. This rule established there can only be two Sith at anytime. Read the linked article and all will become clear. Yeah sometimes a Sith would try to break this rule, Sidious himself tried it a few times,

Actually Maul is not a Sith anymore. Sidious replaced him. Eventually Sidious had to kick Maul’s ass because he went going around saying he was a Sith lord. Sure if Maul won that fight he would become Sith again because that is how it works, you kill a Sith Lord, you get to replace him if you want. But alas he got his

So you believe that there could be one master at any given time. Such as when Maul made himself master and took Savage as his apprentice? He was Sith then while Sidious and Dooku were still around? I doubt it because even Sidious himself corrected him on this point and punished him for even thinking he was Sith.

Just because he was his apprentice does not automatically make her Sith. As I said in other posts, both the master and apprentice sith always have employed other dark force users to meet their needs. This does not make those people such as Mara Jade, Asajj, Galen Marek, Tao, Lumiya, and many others Sith. The rule of

The idea is you are technically not a Jedi while as a padawan. You are a “jedi in training”, kind of like how a cadet in police academy is technically not a true police officer. So since she never did the trials and made knight, she truly is not a Jedi.

Sith apprentices are allowed to have disciples and such. Asajj was just Dooku’s personal assassin. Remember the rule of two. There can only be two Sith. Sidious had other dark force users under his employ while Vader was apprentice such as Mara Jade. Just because she used the dark side and worked under Palaptine did

She was not training to become a Sith. She was Dooku’s personal assassin. Remember the rule of two? Sure it was possible that Dooku had plans for her to kill Sidious, and then replace him as Master with Asajj as apprentice. Even Sidious felt this was possible and as result, he had Dooku try to kill her. This led to

One Sith, two Sith.

Asajj was not a Sith but a Night Sister.

Asohka is no longer a Jedi. She left the order near the end of the Clone Wars series as a padawan. She never made it to knight.

Asajj was never Sith. But kick-ass nonetheless.