
I love blueberry muffins. Baby Jesus is okay with anything but fig muffins.

Going past silliness, also added at the end that it can be confused with toxic. And that is the problem. Since people cannot use the word toxic as a noun, they think they can use toxin instead.

Dunno. That is just how the FAA rolls I guess.


You mean Yannick or however his named was spelled? One of the few writers in the Gawker family who leaves out his political views in his articles and actually writes on MOBA news and they can him? Did they give a reason?

Well the idea is not to register the pilot, but who owns the aircraft, because that person is responsible for said aircraft.

Someone should just beat the truth out of her. I hear Sean Penn has experience in this field and would be the right man for the job.

Actually Boba Fett got his ass handed to him by Vader in that duel. Vader didn't like the idea of any non-jedi carrying around a lightsaber.

The idea was the weapon was super awkward for anybody but a force user to use. The hilt was deceptively heavy, and the blade had no weight to it at all. When you try to make the hilt and blade the same weight for perfect balance, a lightsaber is the polar opposite of a well made sword. And as you said, unless you have

Can you do the most Mexicanest possible tweet? As duly appointed representative of all Mexicans, I give you permission to try.


It is fine. Assumptions are the norm here. Yours will go unnoticed among all the others flung around in this post.

Why would a white jury protect a black man, cop or otherwise? White people are racist so they would never help out black people, no matter what their post or standing is.

She would be pretty hot if she learned to pluck her eyebrows.

I’m beginning to think people like this are English majors who are pissed off that their degree hasn’t done anything for them.

Why should he have too? Is their a law? Or is it just to satisfy typeo Nazi's like you?


Holy shit! Now that is a true example of freedom.

I asked my brother how is an officer long ago. It is kind of a catch-22. There really isn’t much you can do. If the officer is legit and good, then just slow down, drive normally till you get to a place you feel safe. The officer will understand. If the officer has ill intent, well you are fucked either way, he will

I assumed it was a joke and today is actually April 1st.