
You let them put their grubby little mitts in your candy bowl? Do you live in a savage time? Proper candy distribution is done with a underhanded toss into plastic pumpkin candy receptacles. If you miss, then it is upon the child to retrieve fallen loot from the floor. That way each child gets one piece, except for

I was waiting for a comment like this. An actual piece of gaming news and someone is confused by a gaming news blog reporting on it.

Mallards. A bunch of ducks from Florida. Or at least that is what they say...

Is there really any other anal leakage than oily? Seems kind of redundant.

Seriously... what does Macross even mean? Is that a word?

Doesn’t make them wrong though. Isn’t that what the Gawker community does most of the time when someone does something bad (besides cops) is blame the parents? I for one blame this child’s parent and also blame the cop’s parents for this situation.

The sea world lady would beg to differ, if she wasn’t already dead from being killed by an Orca.

I’ll bite. I fell asleep during the Blair Witch Project. Seriously, the first time I saw it was during a overnight party and I fell asleep it was so boring.

Are you saying that if women had the ability and resources to rape and kill everything in sight, that they would? And the only thing that is keeping them in check is the patriarchy? That is an interesting thought.

Still no Windows phone app, so boo.

There is a fetish for everything.

Indeed. I have the set as well and these are quite different. Also in the original set only certain cards were given Mario themed art. The rest featured the original cards’ art.

dogs they sneak in

Word of caution. I have the G930’s. The wireless version. The software that these 7.1 headphones required to do 7.1 surround sound is broken right now. And it has been ever since the launch of windows 10. Logitech says they are working on the issue and a fix should be released in a week or so. But not too hopeful

Word of caution. I have the G930’s. The wireless version. The software that these 7.1 headphones required to do 7.1

Because saying anything in a phylum is basically the same is silly. Hey humans are chordates, so they are basically sea squirts right?

Nope. Even though they are arthropods, they do not belong the insect subgroup. They are crustaceans. So basically, no.

Is that The Matrix? I was totally onboard with this guy’s thought process.

As long as it tasted good (and wasn't insect lab grown meat), I probably would eat it.

Following the release of this, we will get youtube videos of meat snobs being feed lab grown meat and not recognizing the difference, even though they say they can otherwise.

I had one of these! You used bug spray to turn 3 bees back towards your opponent. Your bug sprayer had only 3 shot before you had to refill from this dripping source that gave you one shot per drip. My bro and I would play this for hours.