
Childless, sad, bitter troll detected. You tried, I’ll give you that. Watch your mail box for your Troll Participation ribbon.

Please do not try to make “candidon’ts” a thing.

I’ve always felt like I am part of an exclusive club from being able to recognize Ice Pirates references.

These articles without words confuse me. Is VR dead because it was featured in Time Magazine? Dead because a kid is actually jumping in reality instead of virtual jumping? Dead because they have the unit somehow plugged in and powered up at the beach? Someone please explain this to me!

Stone Soup is about beggars tricking locals into sharing food with them. Everybody in town puts something in the pot. Nobody complains about the quality of the soup. The soup is enjoyed by all.

This fulfills my expectations nicely. Well done.

Found a picture of the suspect being sworn in for testimony.

Holy shit. That tackle was like “I have a package of ass beating here for Mr. Wilson. Please sign here.”

There was a time long ago in a galaxy far away when Battlefield had huge naval ships. I miss those days.

He got a cartoon with Jordan and Gretzky, and he is legendary in Tecmo Bowl. That has to count for something.

The short I forgot and do not want to look it up version is that he took a baseball to the face that was hit right back at him. He kept on playing, and only got stitches after he was done pitching. Dude is a pitching robot.

Your use of quotation marks around pranks is the key here. Many of these people confuse the precise art of pranking with being a huge dick. What you normally see is the latter.

I suggest just doing triangles instead. 2 less sides means less blood loss. Also pentagons are so 90s. Triangles are where it is at now.

Whatever he is doing, seems like people do not care for the “meh” character and want the “falling out of his chair” character instead.

When you sell a personality for people to watch, people expect that personality. Imagine if Colbert did one of his shows without his persona. People would probably lose their shit (at first in private, then forgive him, and then publicly say it was the funniest thing ever). Disclaimer: Not dumping on Colbert, love the

Good eye. Something is always going to give away your true emotion.

Well if the article is to be believed, they didn’t have the proper paper work to hunt a lion in the first place, regardless of the location.

The whole, “It is not in my job description” thing is pretty much bull shit. You job is whatever your boss tells you what to do. This is pretty much true for any job you apply for. Now if you are a contract worker who makes your own contracts, then you go by that. But for jobs you apply for and have no input on their

If that is referring to a movie or song then it is over my head. Sorry.

<troll mode>