
Seriously, you are my favorite Jez commented.

No longer available.

Don't worry. They got this.

But you didn't say generally. You used words like every, responsibility, and expectations. Oh and fact. (This word you're using, I don't think it means what you think it means.)

You realize asexual people get married, too, right?

I feel very naughty unfeminist things for her. And I don't care.

Then you aren't involved in the trans* community here.

Do you really think trans* identified women don't know this is a conversation that's probably going to come up?

Male/Female are biological terms. They are not terms specific to humans. Boy/Girl/Man/Woman are all social constructs that carry the weight of societal gendered norms and values.

You do know we landed on a comet today, right?

Florida's Governor is Rick Scott, and Rick Scott is basically Scott Walker in an elaborate Mr. Clean cosplay.



Classic abusive behavior. Because us wimmens are crazy.

Oh.My.Bob. I cannot even imagine such a degrading fucking experience.


My whole life. Except I work in academia. #forthechildren

Pretty please edit.

I have the benefit of online journal subscriptions, I teach at University, so if I have some time, lets see what we can find!

If you can be a little more specific, I might be able to help. I'll post here what I've found (because I am a research nerd and grading papers sounds significantly less exciting.)…

On Child Sexual Abuse Accommodation Syndrome