
She’s not your spirit animal. She’s not a spirit or an animal and that’s not how indigenous practices work.

And lots of us have handled and shot them and carried them and would be happy as a clam with the abolishment of the second amendment.

Thank you. The rider thing has been explained to death since the 90s and it’s like everyone still doesn’t understand the safety and technical reasons.

I do.

Our student code of conducts does explicitly include off campus behavior.

When students are admitted and subsequently attend college, they agree to abide by a code of conduct. The code of conduct for students at the public university where I work includes harassment, hate speech and creating a hostile environment. If these students were on campus, they absolutely deserve disciplinary action.

As a mother I wouldn’t want to see it, but if any of my four boys did something like this I would surely wonder what the hell I did wrong. And the recipient sending me the proof of their misogynistic bullshit would not make me mad at her, but they would get the FULL weight of my shame in their ear (or text messages.)

I am fucking lecturer on faculty and they don’t move for me. TO GET INTO MY OFFICE.

Yes. Yes. You are exactly right.

And there it is.

Yes, let’s please make this about you and how it hurts your feelings when women are understandably afraid of men.


I understand that it’s meaningless in the grand scheme (I’m in academia and I hate standardized tests), but I did think it was interesting nonetheless.

I’d encourage you to reconsider this stance. She’s an avid songwriter for some of the biggest names in pop music, several of her b-side tracks are really beautiful. Everything she puts out isn’t about sex and drugs and partying. She’s got a beautiful voice and is an actual musician who plays several instruments.

Me, yes, this is also me. I rewatch every season at least twice a year. Sometimes more. It's an election year, so more.

Puppy feet!

It's a documentary about the case. It's a very difficult watch.

I love naming dogs. Default Atriedes (I’m a burner and DUNE fan) and Lemonade who is a black lab/beagle mix. My mom has cats Worhol and Andy (who I thought she should have named Campbell's.)

This is Default. And my husband who is also cute. But, mostly puppy.

Like how do you even demand that something is the last word on an offense or oppression? Only the victims can do that.