I don’t know. The porn of Al Pacino and James Caan doing it just never worked for me.
I don’t know. The porn of Al Pacino and James Caan doing it just never worked for me.
I don’t live in a large city, but I assume if I do there are plenty of stores that would help me put together my super hero outfit keeping the theme consistent? It would be terrible to call yourself “Moon Knight” and then be stuck with only rainbow themed weapons and cape.
Everyone knows that football comes down to the “X”s and the “O”s. Which is why XOR NFL Challenge from the mid-80's rocks:
General Motors couldn’t afford the Love Guru?
Well, generally the aristocracy in Rome spoke the Queens English. The slaves usually either speak with American or Australian accents as Spartacus in all its forms has proven.
I’m now of the opinion that Peacemaker is just Watchmen done as a comedy.
I kept expecting a little more ambiguity with the Butterflies given Judomaster’s line “It’s not what you think,” and the fact that I didn’t think we can trust Murn. Maybe Judomaster was setting up an Archer like joke (“They are not here to body snatch us and take over our planet?” “Oh, I guess it is exactly what you…
I was thinking the same thing. And it was confirmed when we saw inside Murn’s head. I think the present tense is more because the Butterflies absorb part of the person they go into as they eat their brain. Which would explain why they have all taken over humans yet. It may change them as they are exposed more and…
He has also apparently seen Slither.
Gunn has done a great job with both Bautista and Cena. Maybe he needs to come up with a movie that involves all three (clearly outside of the MCU/DCU because of copyright).
Everyone knows that Metropolis is a far better city than Gotham.
The ear?
I’m pretty sure the Butterflies are just saying that the diary said that so that no one would believe Peacemaker when he said they were all aliens pretending to be humans.
I assume the Butterfly’s used the diary for their own purposes (“If Peacemaker tells you we are all aliens pretending to be humans, well he’s crazy, we saw that in his diary”). It seems doubtful that Waller would happen to provide a prop that was so useful to the Butterflies. From the way that it was hidden, I always…
I loved that in the credits all of the kids are known by Peacemaker’s nicknames. They finally get their SAG cards, and their first credit is “Canadian Tuxedo” or “’Pasketti Arms” or “Urkel.”
I find it interesting that over the last two episodes, during Untucked, there has been a lot of mention about how Maddy has been such a great leader, which the edits of the workroom during the show have also shown, but no mention what so ever of that during the judging. I have to assume at some point that will carry…
The whole problem with all the rules that Lucas felt he had to have for the Jedi’s is that Luke is living proof that they don’t matter. He didn’t train until he was in his twenties, and has all kinds of attachments (he went back for his friends instead of finishing his training, heck, he kissed his sister!). Yet Luke…
It’s going to turn out that the entire season, starting with Big’s death, was just a dream. However, due to developments, the return to reality will reveal that in fact Big was never Chris Noth and is now played by Wally Shawn and that Carrie had just fantasied him into Noth all along.