Character truthers.
I was thinking “Hey, I wonder if this commentator will drop a homophobic joke.”
Listen, I don’t know what titty hard-on has to do with this, but 8th grade me is intrigued — carry on.
Okay, I’ve narrowed this down some. The top distraction (and I believe those same women are in the second one) is the work of the Houston Rockets mascot. Today is Dr. Seuss’s birthday, and here is the group posing together on Facebook:
Poor Zingis.
This should all go to show us that Clinton is far more ready to be POTUS than any other candidate, considering that Donald Trump is %100 a Clinton plant candidate.
Making fun of Donald Trump is remarkably easy, but that doesn’t mean it ain’t satisfying. So why not sit back and…
I didn’t even need to read the description to know this happened in Minnesota.