Lars Broeders

No, that's not what I'm saying. I said there was no legal inequality of opportunity for gender or race. You mentioned gay rights, which I did not mention. You addressed a point I did not make. Either way, why do we need feminism to address gay rights?

Sorry to hear that. That must be a horrible fucking experience.

I was aware about the gay thing, that's why I didn't add sexuality to the list.

In true AVC fashion, it can be two things.

Tell me how disagreeing with an unsubstantiated claim makes me dense, oh wise master.

As many as you have on the patriarchy.

That's a bit short-sighted. Social justice does not just mean 'justice in society.' Combinations of words don't necessarily mean literally the combination of those words.


Also, of course a building was evacuated because Milo Yiannopolis lied.

Because that didn't happen. The Honey Badger Brigade didn't harass anyone.

"But we have a sexist society that benefits all men at the expense of women."

Okay, do you have any suggestions for contemporary Feminists I can learn from?

You need to have a KKK membership. One only needs to tweet #GamerGate to drag down everyone around him.

Not saying there's a matriarchy.

No reasonable person amongst the masses. None.

Advocating for Women's Rights is just one part of feminism. Saying that because I oppose feminism, I oppose Women's Rights is like saying that if I don't like pizza, I must hate tomato. I know that's a shitty analogy, but you get the point. Having an issue with an overall ideology does not mean I hate everything it

And what happens when feminists use those tactics? Are you guilty by association of bomb threats, harassment campaigns, vandalism campaigns and the like?