Lars Broeders

Hey, Jake. Jake! JAKE!

Yes since Gamergate is an highly organized organisation and not just a twitter hashtag.

You seem to insinuate GamerGate is controversial because Gamergate supporters all hate women. Then I countered with the insinuation GamerGate supporters would keep it controversial because they disagree with femininsts. Yeah, sure, I exaggerated the figure of feminists, big deal.

And that 5% couldn't possibly mirrored in that 51% either.

And those 51% keep insisting those remaining 49% are hateful bigots just because they insist on having penises.

Whoever thought controversies would be controversial, right?

"This guy is disagreeing with me on a public forum! Quick, flag him for harassment.

I think you're confusing #pissforequality with #killallmen. Was the SCUM manifesto a 4chan raid too?

The hashtag notable feminist Bahar Mustafa tweeted, causing her arrest.

Well, yeah, sometimes. I think we all have points in our lives where life just bends over and fucks us, no matter our race, gender or sexuality.

I'm not saying women have it better than men either.

Yes, you fucking nailed it.

"There can, and will, be shitty people on either side of an issue though."

No I don't. I believe it is an ideology which favors women, sure.

I thought feminism was about equal rights for both men and women. Or supposedly.

Oh truly? Thinking that an ideology which pertains that there's some grand-scale conspiracy with the sole purpose of bringing women down and keeping men up is bullshit is the exact same as thinking women are lesser just because they're women?

I'm sorry, I guess I just assumed you to view GamerGate as a festering vile pit of pure mysoginy and nothing else. I shouldn't have done that.

But still, those threats were probably made by anti-GamerGaters. You'd say that you don't condone those anti-GGers, but every pro-GGer is still a mysoginist, right?

If he ever dies, the cause of death will be terminal sadness.